
Showing posts from March, 2021

Top 7 reasons to choose aggregate medical purchasing

    Introduction   The Healthcare Supply Chain Association ( HSCA ),  a regulatory body representing Group purchasing organizations (GPOs) which are responsible for aggregate medical purchasing published a report stating that the latter has saved up to $55 billion per annum in costs. There is roughly 600 group buying entities, out of which 30 GPOs hold a great reputation in the eyes of HSCA. These GPOs enter into a contract with health care providers like hospitals and clinics and in return negotiate on prices and other terms with supply chain management companies and manufacturers of medical supplies, devices & drugs. However, selecting that one perfect GPO from a list of  600 odd partners may prove to be a task and hence health care providers can opt for membership from a couple of GPOs allowing a greater degree of flexibility.     As per the study conducted by Definitive healthcare researchers, the healthcare system is moving towards consolidation to leverage from bett